
Wearing is Believing. See what our customers are saying about Psi Bands.

Motion Sickness

"I am prone to motion sickness -- from riding in backseats, boat trips, plane rides, you name it. So when I recently took a winding drive down the Pacific Coast Highway in the backseat of a car, I expected the worst. However, I tried wearing a Psi Band on each wrist, and I was fine for the entire 2 1/2 hour journey. I'm sold!"

- Brad Herzog​​​​​​​
"My husband and son surprised me with a whale watching trip for Mother’s Day. Thank goodness for Psi Bands. I put those cute bands on and headed out to the Bay for five hours and suffered no ill effects! I got to enjoy (the trip) while other not-so-fortunate passengers lay in the fetal position on the deck below. Psi Bands were easy to use, comfortable, and did their job! I would give them a ten. The bands are cute – even trendy."

- Dawn Bryant

Morning Sickness

"My morning sickness was relieved by Psi Bands and they were very comfortable. Better yet, no one at work knew they were for nausea because the bands are so stylish!"

- Sarah de la Torre, M.D., Seattle Obstetrics & Gynecology Group
"I was very nauseous for the first several months of my pregnancy and I was skeptical about whether or not Psi Bands could help. But they relieved my nausea instantaneously. Since then, I’ve been recommending them to all of my pregnant friends."

- Kate Hinely


"My 24-year-old daughter was diagnosed in September with brain cancer. After her first chemotherapy treatment she was so sick she could not eat for three weeks. Someone gave these bands to my dad who passed them on to my daughter. What a miracle! Within one hour her nausea was totally gone! Thank you so much!"

- Kelly Baumgart
"I used Psi Bands when I was undergoing chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. I must admit that I was skeptical, but the bands worked. When I wore them, my nausea disappeared. I was so glad to have a natural option."

- Cindy Clark​​​​​​​


"Post surgery, I had to take medications that made me nauseous. I put on Psi Bands after the onset of nausea and found relief within minutes! I didn't remove the bands until I was off the medication for fear of the nausea returning. I was definitely able to breathe a Psi of relief!"

- Denise Fineroff